Fall Faith

Fall is beautiful. We have scenes in our minds of leaves turning the color of amber and sunlight then being gently cradled by the breeze as they waft down and wait to be raked into delightful piles for children to jump in. Fall is actually rather violent. Trees literally cut off their own leaves in

I had a Friend

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God…” I had a friend. She was a believer. We first met at a women’s retreat and were instant kindred spirits. She was a little bit younger than me but we had similar pasts that the Lord had delivered us from. We had both been into

Pillars for a Palace

Sometimes when reading scripture we have that moment when a single verse seems to jump off the page. It’s as if the Holy Spirit winks at us and says, “Here ya go, this one’s just for you.” It’s the light bulb going on, the “aha” moment. I love when this happens. It will often spark

Full Grown Youth

This week I asked my boys if  they were a fruit tree what kind of fruit tree would they be? “Dragonfruit!” said my 13 (almost 14) year old, and “Banana!” said my 10 year old. Exotic kids. And surprising answers that matched them perfectly. One unique, different, unusual, and the other practical, helpful and consistent. The

Spiritual Metabolism

I read a Bible verse a few nights ago that got me thinking about the difference between muscle and fat. Psalm 119:70 “their (the insolent) heart is unfeeling like fat, but I delight in your law.” Most of the time the heart is used symbolically. The heart, while muscle, is also considered the seat of